Apposition – Two noun words or phrases put together so that one defines or describes the
other. “My best friend Mary.”
BOTs, Crawlers, Spiders – The programs that the search engines use to “crawl” your website to read the content, categorize the content, and, rank the posts and pages in their SERPs.
From Wikipedia –
“A Web crawler is a computer program that browses the World Wide Web in a methodical, automated manner or in an orderly fashion. Other terms for Web crawlers are ants, automatic indexers, bots,[1] Web spiders,[2] Web robots,[2] or—especially in the FOAF community—Web scutters.[3]”
From – “Googlebot, Yahoo Slurp, and MSNbot and similar spiders, bots, and crawlers are the programs that harvest information for search engines.”
Click Confidence – User’s experience at your website; Make sure the user is always ‘right’.
Conversion – When a prospect becomes a client/customer.
Inbound Marketing – Using techniques (not on your website) to bring more traffic to your website. For example, email broadcasting, link building campaigns, and, social media posts.
Keyword Terms aka Search terms, Topics, Keywords, Keyword phrases. – short tail = head term, mid tail = a little longer and more specific, long tail = the longest keyword term that incorporates the head term. The long tail is the most specific and will bring the most high-probability prospects (i.e. not tire kickers).
Meta Data – Data about data. Displays behind the scenes in each page’s code. Describes the information/purpose of this page. Contains name:value pairs like keywords:list of keywords, description:sentence-like description, title:title that displays on the browser.
On-page SEO – As it implies – when the content and components of a page (and website, really) are manipulated in order to become more attractive to the search engines (as opposed to inbound marketing).
Organic SEO – Non-paid SEO / Free SEO. These are techniques used on your website and in social media to drive more traffic to your website. The traffic is driven there ‘for free’ as opposed to as part of a paid program like Google AdWords which sends traffic to your website for a fee.
Permalink – See URL and Permalink
Plugin or Widget – Plugins and widgets are programs (software scripts) that accomplish specific tasks. The programs needed to complete the task come bundled together as a plugin or a widget. With regard to WordPress – the difference between a plugin and a widget is determined by how the author of the programs created “hooks” to the WordPress.
Typically, widgets add functionality to the sidebar of a WordPress blog. You drag and drop them into the sidebar, and plugins add functionality in other areas like the dashboard (the SEO plugins).
Rank or Position – Page and number of a listing in SERPs
Semantics – The study of meaning in language. Example: Crane – bird, machine, or, stationery company? Human being – male, female, mother, daughter, son, child, adult, baby, etc.
SEO – Search Engine Optimization; White Hat SEO = the SEO I teach and the majority of SEO you will read about. Black Hat SEO – using techniques with the intention of outsmarting the search engines in order to gain rank in the SERPs. An example is keyword stuffing.
SERPs – Search engine results pages. The pages that display with choices to click on after a search has been done.
Slug – The slug is the last section of the URL (aka page address). For example, in this address:, the last portion in yellow is editable from within the WP Dashboard.
URL and Permalink – The full website address of a page, post, image, etc. For example, this entire address:
Widget – See Plugin
WP – WordPress. WordPress is not one program, but, a bundled package of programs that gets installed at your website. These bundled programs are referred to as the ‘core’. Themes, frameworks, page builders, widgets, and, plugins are added to each website in order to make the website look and act like the owner wants. No two websites are the same.